“When I had no one, SISTER gave me a family. When I had nowhere to go, SISTER gave me a place to come. When I was completely broken, SISTER helped me put the pieces back together. When I could barely smile, the women at SISTER made me laugh. And when I finally felt that I could walk, SISTER guided me in the right direction. With unrelenting generosity, kindness and love, SISTER Connection showed me what it was to have a relationship with God. From nothing to everything, from nowhere to nowhere I would rather be. I could never totally express how grateful I am.” – Abigail
“30 year addiction — came to the light —- that is what SISTER means to me.” – LaDonna
“SISTER Connection is a great place to be if you want to heal your spirit, fellowship and be with some great women of God.” – Lisa
“SISTER Connection has given me acceptance – just as I am and helped me learn and live ‘myself’. Praise the Lord!” – Dee Watson
“SISTER Connection means getting together with all my ‘sisters’, studying the Bible and talking about my week. I look forward to the meetings as I always feel loved.” – Anna
“SISTER Connection has given me tons of personal support.” – C.M.
“SISTER Connection is a place to hang with the girls who have been exactly where you have been.” – Mel
“I was first made aware of SISTER Connection while in jail. I was attending a class during that time and the facilitator was a part of SISTER. I enjoyed her class because it was real and enlightening. The facilitator passed out information regarding SISTER with a number to call. I knew I would not be able to drive when I was released so did not know how I could get to the support group. The facilitator told me to call Cheryl at SISTER and express an interest in coming to the support meeting. With hesitation I waited a couple of days before calling. Wow, I could tell immediately from our conversation and upon meeting her, I was treading toward safety, support and healthy thoughts. And, a ride so I could go to the meeting. This is what I found at the SISTER Connection support group: a place to feel comfortable; a place to cry; a place for joy, laughter and friends. A place with calming, encouraging, caring women with varying experiences.” – Anonymous